Monday 28 November 2011

We are One Culture

This is a spoken word piece that I found on YouTube that I found very interesting. The name of this piece is "We are One Culture". I feel that this spoken word piece is saying that we are all basically living the same lives yet we live in a world of hatred and selfishness. We all go through the same struggles yet we feel as though our lives are so different when in reality, it isn't. The only thing that separates us in life is our backgrounds. In a world where everything is changing with time, we still seem to live in the past. We are all following the same laws of the government and no one will stand up for what's right. When it all boils down, we really are one culture but we fail to realize it.

His Journey to Today

These are pictures of Omar Khadr at 15 and and him 10 years later. This just shows that he grew up a prisoner which is very sad in my opinion. He didn't have a normal teenage life like any regualr teenager.

Just my thoughts on Omar Khadr

After hearing about Omar Khadr being held prisoner I felt very sorry for him because he was just 15 years old and had to witness many people around him getting killed. He is the last westerner being held and what surprised me the most was reading that the Canadian government has yet to ask for his return. I personally feel that at 15 years old he shouldn’t be treated so poorly by these people because he hasn’t done anything wrong in my opinion. 10 years later and he still has no freedom and he is in isolation which can mentally damage a person. After getting shot 2 times, the medics were treating his wounds and he told them to shoot him which is something someone should never have to tell another person, especially at 15 years old. I feel that Omar Khadr was deprived of his childhood and deprived of the opportunity to grow up as a regular teenager without his family. In Guantanamo Bay he was treated as if he wasn’t human and its very sickening to read and hear about the things that have been done to him. I could never imagine being treated the way he is being treated and no one deserves it. Everyone deserves the right to live normally and they have deprived him of his rights and his freedom.

Canadian Prisoner in Guantanamo

This is an article that I found about Omar Khadr, a Canadian who has been held prisoner in Guantanamo Bay since he was 15 years old.


The last westerner in Guantanamo


The last westerner in Guantanamo

Canada's government refuses to call for the release of a young Canadian held at the US prison.

A drawing by artist Janet Hamlin, reviewed by the U.S. military, shows young Canadian captive, Omar Khadr, attending a pre-trial session at the Guantanamo Bay naval base Dec. 12, 2008. (Janet Hamlin/Reuters)
TORONTO — On the morning of July 27, 2002, American Special Forces soldiers were pinned down by an outnumbered handful of suspected Al Qaeda fighters in a compound south of Kabul. Two F-18 warplanes proceeded to drop 500-pound bombs.
When the smoke cleared, Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer went to survey the rubble. The Denver, Colo. native never saw the grenade that landed at his feet, killing him. A U.S. soldier says he then saw an injured fighter lying in the debris and shot him dead. He saw another — later identified as Omar Khadr — sitting on the ground, and pumped two bullets into his back.
Khadr survived. As an army medic treated the gaping exit wounds on his chest, Khadr whispered, in English, "Shoot me.”
He was 15 years old. He was also a Toronto-born Canadian citizen.
Today, Khadr is the last westerner languishing in America’s notorious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. Other western countries have demanded and secured the release of their citizens. But successive Canadian governments have steadfastly refused to even ask for Khadr’s return. That fact alone challenges Canada’s self-image as a standard-bearer for human rights and international law.
Khadr was a child soldier. International conventions signed by Canada consider child soldiers victims who should be rehabilitated, rather than prosecuted — in Khadr’s case, if he ever gets a trial, for Speer’s murder. Yet the Canadian government continues to wash its hands of him, even after U.S. President Barack Obama announced the closing of “Gitmo” within a year.
Canada's current conservative government stands virtually alone among western countries in supporting the Guantanamo prison, despite the discredited legal contortions used by the previous U.S. administration to justify its existence and the “enhanced” interrogation techniques its inmates have suffered.
One example used on Khadr is described in “Guantanamo’s Child,” a well-documented book by the Toronto Star’s national security reporter, Michelle Shephard: “The guards left him in the interrogation booth for hours, short-shackled with his ankles and wrists bound together and secured to a bolt on the floor. Unable to move, he eventually urinated and was left in a pool of urine on the floor.
“When the MPs returned and found the soiled teenager, they poured pine oil cleaner on Omar’s chest and the floor. Keeping him short-shackled, the guards used Omar as a human mop to clean up the mess. Omar was returned to his cell and for two days the guards refused to give him fresh clothes.”